Monday, June 2, 2008

Women of this type can get scared of the prospect of relations with you...

Against: Women of this type can get scared of the prospect of relations with you, can refuse to believe in your good feelings and intentions because of I-don't-deserve-him attitude, so that you will be forced into proving the contrary time and again with a risk of getting bored to death; besides. One agency described such women in the following way…”you risk marrying a woman who doesn't love you for very often women of this type choose a man obviously inferior to them to make their own beauty and intelligence more prominent, emphasized by such a 'background', and you will agree that being a 'background' is not a most pleasant thing. Therefore, make sure that her feelings are genuine before you marry a woman of this type.”…I think this is so untrue. These women are merely looking for someone to believe in them. Someone to tell them they are special and can really accomplish anything they try to do. If you show someone that you care, they will return your love in more ways then you could possibly hope. And I speak for myself here. I have always had men trying to be with me from a very young age. But due to personal difficulties I always thought I could never achieve anything and I would always be alone. The reason I married my husband is because he proved he loved me not for just for my physical beauty. For a very long time I thought there was no such thing as true love, it was a fabrication of Hollywood. I thought I would never find a young man who shared my interests and goals in life. But I found such a person. When I help my clients this is what I always remember. True love is possible with the right guidance. I love him because he showed me what was and is possible.

“Supermodels”: Beautiful but rather limited Russian women who are usually in love with their own person. As a rule, they prefer to work as models, secretaries and aspire to becoming actresses.

For: Is there a man who, even for a moment, hasn't dreamt of marrying Claudia Schiffer of Marilyn Monroe? It is great to take such a woman out for she provokes envy almost in everybody.

Against: Such beauty can be compared to a box of chocolates: they are sweet. But it is in human nature that a person can't survive on chocolates only, in the long run he will long for something more nutritious. It's the same with women: after all, some day you'll want to talk with her, to share you joys and sorrows, to get her advice and help. But do not expect this from a “Supermodel”. Women of this type can be placed into the category of women to beware of (see the unit "Russian Women to Beware Of").

“The Girl Next Door”: Russian women of good appearance and of very high level of intelligence. They are usually engaged in average work.

a) If she is self-confident she will find a partner without much difficulty. They are aware of their winning and losing points and learn, in the long run, to emphasize the first and to smooth over the latter.

For: Such woman will never bore you, since she'll always find a topic for a conversation. You will never know the throe of jealousy: there are few men who are indifferent to looks craving for exclusively intellectual intercourse; you'll always remain a superman for her.

Against: Not all of your acquaintances will appreciate your choice: people will judge your choice by its exterior.

b) She may be of average appearance and lacking in beauty

For: Such woman will never bore you, since she'll always find a topic for a conversation. You will never know the throe of jealousy: there are few men who are indifferent to looks craving for exclusively intellectual intercourse; you'll always remain a superman for her.

Against: It will take you much time and effort to raise her confidence, to make her feel self-assured; her poor image of herself may affect your personal life: she may shun the society of your friends and making visits: she may give up pretty clothes not to draw attention to herself.

“The extra”: These women of this type can be called neither beautiful nor ugly; they will not set the Mississippi on fire but are far from being stupid, are sure of themselves; in most cases they belong to the middle class; they do not like to take the responsibility in business on themselves.

For: These women represent the stereotypical RW; they are domestic, comforting, not intricate at all. You'll always feel at ease with them, they value their husband and know how to please him, they make the best mothers and housewives.

Against: If you favor surprises, mysteries, surges of emotion, tension of passions, diversity - this is not your type.

“The wannabe”: Women with poor physical appearance and low level of intelligence, whom you are unlikely to get interested in. Such women

Apart from this classification, the Russian woman can perform several social parts: the Mother, the Mistress, the Wife.

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