The beauty of ladies from the FSU has during recent years become well known to men worldwide. I see on a daily basis the flow of interest of men from all over the planet, during the course of work at my Ukraine based Dating Agency. From where I sit it seems that maybe some guys have not really thought through the realities of trying to win the heart of a woman across such huge distances.
This is not the girl next door, or even from the same town, or country. Really we receive letters for our ladies, sometimes two lines," I saw your photo, I love you, will you marry me". Do not get me wrong, such a letter is great, romantic and would lift the heart and spirits of any girl within the guys city, or even country. The truth is that when one of our ladies receives such a letter, she is not to impressed. As I have mentioned these are smart, pragmatic and practical ladies and receiving such a letter from maybe 12,000.00 klm's away, or even more can be a little frustrating.
So clearly a Russian wife, or bride is not an easy option, but is it worth the extra effort, this is the question? Now in my opinion the answer is without a doubt yes. Ok I could be biased, right? I run a Russian Dating agency so clearly I am not impartial. Well in truth I am very partial and have much admiration for these ladies.
Why do I believe that these ladies are worth pursuing, despite the extra effort involved? Well the list of attractions and attributes that many of these ladies share is quite substantial, so here goes.......
These ladies are in general very smart and very intelligent as well as being either beautiful, or very beautiful. They know what they want and they are going to achieve it, to the best of their abilities. Registering to an International Dating agency is only part of their life plan.
Most probably they will have either a university degree, or will be working towards achieving one. Are they desperate to leave their country for a better life abroad? In general no, but the important thing to understand is that they are open to the possibility. If they meet a nice guy from abroad great, but equally if they meet a nice guy from within their own country, this can be great also.
So together with the beauty they share, how can they be described? These are in general proud and strong ladies. They know they are beautiful and they know they are very attractive. Equally they have few inhibitions in dressing to accentuate their beauty and attractiveness. For the foriegn man it is quite a pleasant surprise to see how much care they take over their appearance. Beauty saloons are a thriving business here and many ladies will visit one regularly to ensure that she looks her best.
Equally they take enormous care and pride in their appearance and dress both very well and in such a way as to highlight their femininity. The take these ladies have in the gender stakes is interestingly very different to those held by ladies in the West. These ladies understand the strength of their femininity and of being a woman. It is interesting that this attitude, or evolution seems to have given them greater respect, or empowerment within their countries, than Women have achieved in the West.
Now in addition to all of the above these ladies can make ideal wives, why? It is related to the moral and family values that they have been surrounded with and immersed within. The family is very important in the FSU and these ladies will generally put the family first and above all else. Due to this history and upbringing Slavic women are considered by many to make very good wives and mothers.
Is it worth the extra effort of trying for a Russian/Ukrainian partner, soulmate, or wife? We believe that yes it is and have written many articles explaining our reasoning. A Russian partner is not the easy option due to the realities of distance and the cultural and linguistic differences, but the prize is worth the effort. You can study the profiles of our beautiful ladies a see these qualities at: |